One of the things that define us as human beings is our affinity for stories. In every culture across the world, from childhood right into old age, from ancient cave art to the latest in animated media, storytelling is an integral part of human communication, record-keeping, instruction, and artistic expression. A story gets a message across in a way that hard facts and dry arguments simply cannot.
Facts and logical arguments can come later – in fact, you’ll never have the chance to flaunt them unless you grab your audience now. And the best way to do that is with a great story. A story forges an immediate emotional connection with your audience; it conveys a simple, concise message; and it engages your audience like nothing else can, eliciting immediate trust and action. It’s a lot more memorable than any other form of communication, and also a lot more subtle than a heavy-handed, overt message that will almost always be met with skepticism and resistance.
Facts and logical arguments can come later – in fact, you’ll never have the chance to flaunt them unless you grab your audience now. And the best way to do that is with a great story. A story forges an immediate emotional connection with your audience; it conveys a simple, concise message; and it engages your audience like nothing else can, eliciting immediate trust and action. It’s a lot more memorable than any other form of communication, and also a lot more subtle than a heavy-handed, overt message that will almost always be met with skepticism and resistance.