Thursday, 25 June 2015

Why Your Case Study Needs An Animated Video

Case studies aren’t the most entertaining or engrossing things to read. Even if a case study directly involves you yourself, or your own product or business, it’s slow, hard work going through all the descriptions and discussions of the background, methodology, data, and analysis of the case. And when you put a case study out there for other people to read, in order to make an impression or drive certain points home, imagine how much more difficult it is for the audience to be drawn in. Many people will simply skim through the entire thing, in which case they’re probably missing a lot of what you really want them to see, and you and your case study aren’t making much of an impression.
Presenting your case study through a video, on the other hand, makes for a richer, more compelling experience. In a sense, it is of course only a summary – you can’t put your entire case study and all your data into a video – but unlike a text summary, a video isn’t necessarily superficial. With a video, you can dip in and out, zoom into particulars that you want to highlight, then zoom out and take a broader view, provide some analysis and conclusions, all in the space of a few minutes.

In addition, using animated video in particular brings in a subtle entertaining touch, making a dry, potentially boring case study much more engaging and digestible. Whiteboard animation services in particular tend to be useful when presenting and explaining case studies – the style is still fresh and new, and it has a touch of both professionalism and fun.
Needless to say, you can always provide a more detailed case study in a more traditional format, such as a PDF that visitors can download from your website. In fact, with your video having created interest and engagement, more people are likely to want to dive in more deeply, and those who do will also find the details more meaningful and rewarding.

If you’re planning to present a case study to your audience, animated video services are among the most important tools you can use to make an impact. And if you’re looking for 3D, whiteboard, and other animation services in the Los Angeles area, get in touch with us at Vercel. We can take your case study to the next level, giving it the impact it deserves.

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